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otdfctl policy subject-condition-sets update

update - Update a Subject Condition Set


otdfctl policy subject-condition-sets update [flags]


Replace the existing conditional logic within an SCS with new conditional logic, passing either JSON directly or a JSON file.

For more information about subject condition sets, see the subject-condition-sets subcommand.


-i, --id <id>
The ID of the subject condition set to update (required: true)
-s, --subject-sets <subject-sets>
A JSON array of subject sets, containing a list of condition groups, each with one or more conditions (required: false)
-j, --subject-sets-file-json <subject-sets-file-json>
A JSON file with path from the current working directory containing an array of subject sets (required: false)
-l, --label <label>
Optional metadata 'labels' in the format: key=value (required: false)
--force-replace-labels <force-replace-labels>
Destructively replace entire set of existing metadata 'labels' with any provided to this command (required: false)

