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otdfctl decrypt

decrypt [file] - Decrypt a TDF file


otdfctl decrypt [flags]


Decrypt a Trusted Data Format (TDF) file and output the contents to stdout or a file in the current working directory.

The first argument is the TDF file with path from the current working directory being decrypted.


# specify the TDF to decrypt then output decrypted contents
otdfctl decrypt hello.txt.tdf # write to stdout
otdfctl decrypt hello.txt.tdf > hello.txt # consume stdout to write to hello.txt file
otdfctl decrypt hello.txt.tdf -o hello.txt # write to hello.txt file instead of stdout

# pipe the TDF to decrypt
cat hello.txt.tdf | otdfctl decrypt > hello.txt


-o, --out <out>
The file destination for decrypted content to be written instead of stdout. (required: false)
-t, --tdf-type <tdf-type>
The type of tdf to decrypt as (required: false) (default: tdf3)