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otdfctl policy subject-condition-sets create

create - Create a Subject Condition Set


otdfctl policy subject-condition-sets create [flags]


Example Subject Condition Sets

--subject-sets example input:

"condition_groups": [
"conditions": [
"operator": 1,
"subject_external_values": ["CoolTool", "RadService", "ShinyThing"],
"subject_external_selector_value": ""
"operator": 2,
"subject_external_values": ["marketing"],
"subject_external_selector_value": ""
"boolean_operator": 1

ConditionGroup boolean_operator is driven through the API CONDITION_BOOLEAN_TYPE_ENUM definition:

CONDITION_BOOLEAN_TYPE_ENUMindex valuecomparison
AND1all conditions met
OR2any one condition met

Condition operator is driven through the API SUBJECT_MAPPING_OPERATOR_ENUM definition, and is evaluated by applying the subject_external_selector_value to the Subject entity representation (token or Entity Resolution Service response) and comparing the logical operator against the list of subject_external_values:

SUBJECT_MAPPING_OPERATOR_ENUMindex valuesubject value at selector MUST
IN1be any of the values
NOT_IN2not be any of the values
IN_CONTAINS3contain one of the values

In the example SCS above, the Subject entity MUST BE represented with a token claim or ERS response containing a field at identifying them as team name "CoolTool", "RadService", or "ShinyThing", AND THEY MUST ALSO have a field that is NOT "marketing".

This structure if their team name was "CoolTool" and they were entitled might look like:

"team": {
"name": "CoolTool" // could alternatively be RadService or ShinyThing
"org": {
"name": "sales"

If any condition in the group is not met (such as if were marketing instead), the condition set would not resolve to true, and the Subject would not be found to be entitled to the Attribute Value applicable to this Subject Condition Set via Subject Mapping between.

For more information about subject condition sets, see the subject-condition-sets subcommand.


-s, --subject-sets <subject-sets>
A JSON array of subject sets, containing a list of condition groups, each with one or more conditions (required: true)
-j, --subject-sets-file-json <subject-sets-file-json>
A JSON file with path from the current working directory containing an array of subject sets (required: false)
-l, --label <label>
Optional metadata 'labels' in the format: key=value (required: false)
--force-replace-labels <force-replace-labels>
Destructively replace entire set of existing metadata 'labels' with any provided to this command (required: false)


c, add, new