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Policy Object


The Policy Object is defined by the client at the time of the TDF creation. It contains the information required by a Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) to make an access decision. The Policy Object is stored in the manifest.json for a TDF.

A PEP uses the Policy Object to decide whether to grant access to the TDF payload. The entity or user requesting access must be in the dissem (dissemination) list AND must possess entitlements that satisfy all the data Attributes.


"uuid": "1111-2222-33333-44444-abddef-timestamp",
"body": {
"dataAttributes": [<Attribute Object>],
"dissem": [""]
"tdf_spec_version:": "x.y.z"


uuidStringA unique UUID for the TDF's policy.


bodyObjectObject which contains information about the policy required for the PEP to make an access decision.Yes
body.dataAttributesArrayAn array of attributes a user needs to request access. An Attribute Object is defined in its own section: Attribute Object.Yes
body.dissemArrayAn array of unique user IDs. It is used to explicitly list users/entities that should be given access to the payload.Yes


tdf_spec_versionStringSemver version number of the TDF spec.No